The scientific committee of Milan Polymer Days 2024

7 months ago

Scientific congresses contribute to the advancement of knowledge through the dissemination of scientific results, discussion among participants and development of academic networks.

The scientific committee of Milan Polymer Days 2024

For a conference to be successful and meet the quality expectations of the participants, it is essential that it can benefit from a valid scientific committee. Scientific committees of congresses play a relevant role in the decision-making process of the organizing committees since they suggest quality invited speakers and help in identifying the topics to be covered in the different sessions.

An effective scientific committee needs obviously to satisfy several quality standards, including scientific reputation, multidisciplinarity, review expertise, ethics, just to mention a few.

The International Scientific Committee of MIPOL2024 meets all these quality criteria. We have indeed invited to join the committee a fantastic group of scientists who are helping us put together a truly exciting program. The Scientific Committee is composed by seventeen members with high scientific profile chosen among the national and international scientific community.

We are proud to introduce them!

These people represent a gender-balanced group with also a good balance of expertise in different fields of polymer science and technology. Their expertise includes: synthesis and characterization of biodegradable polymers; polymers from renewable sources; synthesis of monomers from carbon dioxide; ring-opening polymerization; thermal characterization of polymers; polymer nancomposites; polymers for energy storage applications, polymeric flame retardants, bioactive and biocompatible polymers for drug release applications; biomaterials; polymers for water depollution, inorganic complexes of polymers; modeling of processes; controlled radical polymerization.

I don't think we could have made a better choice!

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