The Mipol2024 young symposium

5 months ago

The novelty of the 8 th edition of the Milan Polymer Days international congress is the organization of the MIPOL YOUNG symposium.

The Mipol2024 young symposium

Even larger room than in previous editions is given to our young colleagues in MIPOL2024. To satisfy the requests of participation of Young Scientists, that is, Ph.D. students and post-doctoral fellows aged 32 or less, different afternoon sessions have been dedicated to their short oral communications. This initiative will give them a unique opportunity to interact with an international audience and train in scientific communication.

The best oral communication by Young Scientists will be awarded with a special prize. The chairs of the MIPOL YOUNG symposium are Stefano Gazzotti and Ermelinda Falletta, both assistant professors of industrial chemistry at the University of Milan, who will lead the international jury tasked with selecting the best oral presentation.

23 Young Scientists will participate in the symposium, coming from different countries including, in addition to Italy, Belgium, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. The topics covered by Young Scientist reflect those covered in the presentations of the Senior Scientists. They include:

  • Polymers for energy storage
  • Life cycle assessment in polymer chemistry
  • Ecocompatibility studies
  • Renewable polymers
  • Upgrading of polymer wastes
  • Bioactive polymers, biomaterials nanomedicine
  • Thermal mechanical properties of polymers and characterizations
  • Nanocomposites
  • Synthesis of complex macromolecular architectures

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