MIPOL prizes for Young Scientists

8 months ago

The members of the advisory and steering committees of the Milan Polymer Days are aware of the importance of educating and training young generations of scientists.

MIPOL prizes for Young Scientists

This is why since the very beginning, the Milan Polymer Days organizing committee has been committed to promoting the integration of Young Scientists into the international scientific community, enabling them to build their own professional relationships and network.

The message is that science and technology may provide the keys to solving major problems of the modern society. The polymer scientific community, in particular, is facing numerous urgent challenges, both economic and environmental, which can only be overcome by developing cutting-edge technologies for the benefit of the production system and the environment. New generations of researchers and scientists are therefore essential for future research to reach new heights. Therefore, it is important to encourage bright Young Scientists to pursue scientific careers centered on research and innovation. This is the spirit of a modern scientific community.

In this context, to enhance the research activity of our younger colleagues and boost their careers, the MIPOL organizing committee has developed over the years a rich program of recognitions and prizes dedicated to them:

The Best Poster Award competition, open to Young Scientists who submit their application. The Best Oral Presentation Award, dedicated to participants of the MIPOL Young symposium. The Mario Malinconico Prize for the best master's degree thesis in polymer science.

All three prizes are intended to be awarded on an annual basis, with the objective of giving visibility to the work of students, Ph.D. students, post-doc fellows and young researchers and professional, and encourage their involvement in research projects in the exciting field of polymers. Another goal is to attract young talents to focus their career on this field!

Let’s describe the three recognitions and prizes in more detail.

The Best Poster Award competition has been launched on an annual basis since the first edition in 2017. Since then, 25 Young Scientists have been awarded the prize. The aim is to recognize the most talented Young Scientists, aged 32 or less, authoring and presenting poster communications. Every year, the winners have been selected by an international jury of eminent experts in polymer science based on well-defined selection criteria, including excellence in research, clarity in presentation, and personal knowledge in a discussion with the jury. The winners will receive a cash prize of 250 euros to be invested in congress/school participation.

The Best Oral Presentation Award will be awarded for the first time during the MIPOL2024 congress. The prize id dedicated to Young Scientists, aged 32 or less, giving oral presentations in the frame of the MIPOL Young symposium. Also in this case, an international jury of eminent experts in polymer science will choose the best presenter, based on selection criteria including excellence in research, clarity in presentation, and ability to discuss with the audience the presented results. The winner will receive a cash prize of 250 euros to be invested in congress/school participation.

The Mario Malinconico Prize (Premio Mario Malinconico) is awarded annually to graduate students aged 29 or younger, who have defended a master’s thesis in the field of polymers in an Italian university. The aim is to honor the memory of Dr. Mario Malinconico, a prominent personality on the international scientific scene, former Research Director at the CNR Institute for Composite Polymers and Biomaterials in Pozzuoli, who passed away on 14 August 2021. The winner will receive a cash prize of 500 euros, free registration to the MIPOL2024 conference, where he/she will present his/her research work.

As in all Milan Polymer Days editions, in MIPOL2024 the winners of the three awards will be announced and celebrated after the end of the oral sessions.

Are you a Young Scientist working in the field of polymers? Do you feel like getting involved and accepting the challenge to participate in competitions for quality scientific communication? Then go to the Awards page of the MIPOL website. There you will find complete information on how to participate in them.

Are you a senior scientist aware of the need to help your young collaborators advance in the scientific world? Do encourage them to participate in the MIPOL2024 competition awards!!

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